Saturday, January 10, 2009

picture post!

Sorry this is so delayed! I've been keeping pretty busy.

I had a random bout of homesickness last night. I think it's passed. It's just rough realizing that I won't be back next week. That I'm actually staying here for several months. But I think it'll get better once classes start (Monday!). Registration is so weird here. For lecture classes you just show up and eventually register with the university. But you never register with the department. And then seminar classes don't start for another week and there are limited spots available so you have to get there super early to make sure you get the class you want. Right now it's looking like I'm going to have one class on Friday, which I'm trying to avoid. But it's pretty early. And it's a lecture so if I miss a few for a trip or something, it's not going to really matter.

Anyway! Here are some pictures of the city! I may edit this later with some captions. But right now I'm just gonna shove some pictures on here.

EDIT: UGH. I have too many pictures to load and I'm so tired. If you have Facebook, you can check them out there. I'll try to pick my favorites eventually.

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