Wednesday, January 28, 2009

do it for the living, do it for the dead, do it for the monsters under your bed

I feel so much better than I did in my last post. I've been talking to people here about that "missing out" feeling and everyone is experiencing something similar. So we're all going through it together.

And, yes, four months is a lengthy amount of time. But it can also go by quickly. Actually, we're already at one month down/three to go. I'm in my third week of classes already and I feel like we've just started. So this may not be as hard as I initially thought.

I really can't wait to go to London. That's going to be a lot of fun. It's just Kelly, Mike, and me. All of us want to basically do the same things too. And we're all very laid back. So I think they're going to be wonderful travel buddies.

This Saturday we're taking a day trip to the Cliffs of Moher. Hold on to your seats for some FABULOUS pictures. If you've never seen then, Google Image that right quick. They're breathtaking in pictures. I can't even imagine what it will be like to be there in person. I hope it doesn't rain, but it's probably going to be ridiculously windy.

I don't have any final exams for any of my classes. But they're all assessed by a final essay of about 3000 words. Each of my five classes requires a 3000 word essay. That's a 10 page paper for each class. 50 pages total. That's a short story. WHAAAAT. I think it'll be okay. I honestly think I'm going to start working on those papers as soon as I get topics. I don't want that all crashing down on me. No, thank you.

By the way, if you haven't read Lolita, do it. It will make you feel squirmy, but Nabokov is honestly a master of the English language. It is beautifully written. Beautifully.

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