Thursday, January 22, 2009


Okay. I just need to explain the ridiculousness that was yesterday morning.

To catch everyone up, here's how the English department at NUIG works:
Your English lecture courses are huge and you don't need to go through a special registration for them. You just show up and eventually register with the university. I'm taking two of these. Modernism & Postmodernism and English Specialist Studies (Nineteenth Century Gothic and The American South--how these two go together, I have no idea.). These classes have about 200 people in them. It's nuts.
THEN you have your English seminar classes. They are much smaller--about 15 people. These haven't started yet because there is a super special registration process to go through. There are about 30 classes to choose from. Each of them has a limited number of spots available to international students. And these spots are given on a first come first serve basis. So it's highly highly competitive.

Yesterday morning, I got out of bed (after NO sleep because I've been sick all week) at 4 AM. Left the apartment at 5 with Sarah, Sam, and Doug. We got to the university at 5:15. And we stood outside in the cold wet suck. 5:15 AM and I was the 61st person in line. Yes. 60 PEOPLE WERE THERE BEFORE US. The girl who was first in line had been there since 2 AM. Apparently she had just been drinking whiskey and coffee the whole time. Oh my goodness, it was wretched. Just sitting there.

Though, the first girl was really smart. She took her notebook and made everyone sign in in the order they got there. Around 8 AM, the registration people came and took the list and gave out numbered tickets according to the list. As soon as we had the ticket, we could leave and go somewhere warm until 9. Then we lined up according to our tickets and went in to register that way. It was NUTS. And there were people rolling in at 9 AM trying to sneak through, they came out bitching and moaning. Seriously. We were warned to come early. They should've come early.

The Jane Austen class was the first one to fill up. I'm alright with that though. It would have been my only Monday class. So there would have been zero motivation to go. But I got my second choice, Contemporary North American Fiction. We're reading Fight Club and American Psycho. Apparently the prof is really awesome. And I do not have class on Mondays. I'm very pleased with how this worked out.

After that exhilarating morning, I came back to the apartment, took a shower, and went to class. After class I passed out on the couch for about an hour. Made dinner and watched Grey's Anatomy with the roommates. And then I took Benilyn PM and made a hot toddie (tea, lemon, honey, and whiskey) to get rid of my sore throat and I had the best night of sleep I've ever.

I woke up feeling SO much better. It's funny how that works.

I think tomorrow is going to be a reading day. I just started Lolita. I'm about 50 pages in. It's really beautifully written. But it makes you feel really creepy.

OH! I booked a flight to London. Kelly, Mike, and I are going the first weekend of February. It's gonna be awesome.

AND I got into the play I auditioned for. It runs the last few days of March/first few days of April. And that first weekend of April, we're taking it to Dublin for some Irish student drama festival.


1 comment:

  1. That is INSANE! Gratz for getting your second choice AND a non-Monday class, though
