Friday, June 26, 2009

shoulda, coulda, woulda

I can't:
Ride a bike. Dance. Really do anything that involves balance and coordination. Eat ice cream without throwing up. Imagine where I'm going to be in ten years. Talk in depth about my dad to most people. Do assignments ahead of time. Parallel park when other people are in the car. Beatbox. Stand bad tippers. Tolerate people on power trips. Keep my temper when I'm talked down to.

I can:
Play the trumpet. Act. Make delicious sandwiches. Bake. Watch an entire season of "Weeds" in one sitting. Procrastinate. Laugh off embarrassment. Memorize lines very quickly. Understand phenomenology. Easily step onto a feminist soapbox. Pull an all nighter. Spend hours doing absolutely nothing and be totally okay with that. Make people laugh. Love.

I won't:
Intentionally hurt someone. Compare myself to the standards of beauty and sexiness society has set out for us today. Back down when I believe in something. Eat celery. Finish reading The Twilight Saga. Support the war.

I will:
Stand up for myself and for others. Support a woman's right to choose. Support same-sex marriage. Support you. Listen to opinions that differ from my own. Try to change the world in some way. Always miss my dad.

I shouldn't:
Judge rich people. Watch as much TV as I do. Eat so much Mexican food. Hide my emotions from people. Have road rage. Spend money. Waste time.

I should:
Spend more time with my mom. Spend more time with my brother. Save money. Get a second job. Exercise a lot more. Go running in the park. Tell more people how much I love and appreciate them. Learn to love veggies. Focus on progressing as a performer by doing shows instead of consuming myself with thoughts of financial security.

Took this from my favorite boss ever--Laura! (

In other news, a man named John Wagner is giving out my cell phone number to avoid debt. I've gotten phone calls from two different companies asking for him. I've told both that they have the wrong number. So hopefully that'll be the end of that. So, Mr. Wagner, pay your debt. And stop using my number.

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